Quality Policy
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Enerco Enerji as a private sector supplier having the biggest volume in natural gas market is an establishment which serves with quality focused approach and continues its activities as being conscious of its responsibilities towards its suppliers, customers and the environment as well as its employees. With this approach which constitutes the fundamental factor of its consistent and increasing success performance and domestic/ foreign customer satisfaction, Enerco Enerji aims to ensure customer satisfaction and sustainability in quality.


For a sustainable world, Enerco Enerji adopting efficient use of natural resources as a principle, accepts the following principles as building blocks of its Quality Policy together with the importance given to its working principles, social responsibility, social and environmental consciousness and human rights:


  • Fulfilling its activities within the framework acknowledged in the international platform, respecting and supporting human rights and not engaging in any activity violating human rights. Not employing workers by force and child workers as the continuity of this principle. Non-discrimination.
  • Awareness towards environmental issues and supporting all activities which will increase environmental responsibility; supporting development and extensification of environmental friendly technologies.
  • Struggle against all kind of corruption including bribe and extortion in commercial activities.
  • Constant improvement in our ISO 9001 Quality Management System processes; increasing the system’s efficiency and effectiveness by using technological developments in our processes.
  • Procuring and providing service in conformity with our contractual requirements, related legal legislation and standards in force.
  • Ensuring individual contribution of our employees by acting with the principle “our employees are a value for our establishment” and by increasing personal, occupational development and satisfaction of our employees through continuous trainings and engraining environmental consciousness in all employees.
  • Increasing our efficiency by mutual cooperation and confidence with our customers.
  • Being our customers’ solution partner in order to keep our customers’ satisfaction at the highest level and to ensure its sustainability.
  • Sustaining the management system by satisfying the applicable requirements and considering the needs and expectations of related parties.
  • Implementation of our activities with corrective, preventive, remedial process focused approach and supporting our principles with measurable aims in order to keep our service quality under control.


Our aim is to become an outward- oriented, ever-growing international company which is able to meet all customer needs, reliable and sustainable, which makes no concessions on quality, pioneering the sector, following advancing technologies closely, attaching great importance to honesty and after sales services, implementing a fast service system by  well-organized time planning and prioritizing the quality.


Enerco Enerji will always work as a leading establishment in the sector by making difference in service. Especially our executives as well as our employees are responsible for the implementation and development of the principles of our Quality Policy.


© Copyright 2018
Bilgi Toplumu Hizmetleri